Liturgy of the Word


I can list and explain the parts of the Liturgy of the Word.

Liturgy of the Word

During Mass, we encounter Scripture primarily in the Liturgy of the Word, in which we hear three readings: from the Old Testament or the Acts of the Apostles, the New Testament letters, and the Gospels. We also hear or sing a selection from the book of Psalms (which are in the Old Testament). The Church uses a three-year cycle of readings for Sunday liturgies and a two-year cycle of readings for daily liturgies. If a person attended Mass every day over a three-year period, he or she would hear almost 75 percent of the New Testament and 18 percent of the Old Testament (not including the Psalms) proclaimed!

Activity 1: Circle Map on the Importance of Scripture in Mass

With a partner create a circle map to brainstorm reasons why it is important for Scripture to be read at Mass.

Activity 2:  Liturgy of the Word Fill-in-the-Blanks

Access the article “Liturgy of the Word” by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Then fill in the blanks on the handout with the correct words or phrases from the “Liturgy of the Word” article.

Liturgy of the Word Fill-in-the-Blanks.pdf

Activity 3: Liturgy of the Word Quiz

Without looking at the article or the fill-in-the-blank answers, list the different parts of the Liturgy of the Word.