The Dark Ages

Essential Question

Were the “Dark Ages” really dark?

The Middle Ages

The Dark Ages

SHEG-Were the “Dark Ages” really dark_.pptx

Activity 1: Were the “Dark Ages” really dark?

  1. Round one: Read Document A and B and answer the guiding questions. Use Timeline to review the periods of time mentioned by the 2 textbooks and the American Cyclopaedia. * You will be using the Timeline to help organize information and events from the other documents you will be working with today. Last, complete the "First Claim."

  2. Round two: Read Document C, D, and E and answer the guiding questions. Remember to record 2-3 events from each document or the approximate date of the document itself on the Timeline.Then complete the "Second Claim."

  3. Round three: Read Document F and G and answer the guiding questions. Remember to record 2-3 events from each document or the approximate date of the document itself on the Timeline.

  4. Complete the "Final Claim." Drawing from evidence across the document set, create a final response to the questions “Was the time period between 400 AD and 1400 AD a ‘Dark Age’ for Europe? Was this a time of cultural decay and decline?” Include 4-5 pieces of evidence drawn from the entire document set to support your claim.

SHEG-Were the “Dark Ages” really dark_ Document Set(1).pdf

Discussion Questions

  • Did anyone’s claims change over the course of the lesson? How and why?

  • Why has the term “Dark Ages” to describe the Middle Ages been debated by historians? Do you think it is a valid description? Why or why not? What is the best way to describe the Middle Ages?

  • Why do historians label time periods? What’s the danger in this? What are the challenges in trying to describe different periods of history?

  • What other sources would you analyze to continue exploring the issue of cultural progress or decline during the Middle Ages?

Extension Activities