
Essential Question

What are the basic features of Mesoamerica civilizations?


Activity 1: NEWSELA "Mesoamerica: Where Civilizations Flourished, and Crashed, Repeatedly"

Sign in to Newsela and read the article "Mesoamerica: Where Civilizations Flourished, and Crashed, Repeatedly." Remember to annotate the article as you read and complete the quiz once you have finished reading.

Discussion Questions

  • What is Mesoamerica? Where is it?

  • What are 15 useful facts you think you should mention in your website? Write them down.

  • What does the article title mean when it says "Where Civilizations Flourished, and Crashed, Repeatedly?"

Extension Activities

NEWSELA: "History of Chocolate Is A Mesoamerican Story"

NEWSELA:"The Brutal History of the Mesoamerican Ball Game"