The Roman and Byzantine Empires

Unit Highlights

In this unit, students will analyze primary and secondary sources to explain the causes and effects of the vast expansion and ultimate disintegration of the Roman Empire. Students will be able to:

  • Classify the early strengths and lasting contributions of Rome

  • Explain the causes of Rome’s internal weaknesses and fall.

  • Describe the borders of the Roman Empire and the difficulty of maintaining them

  • Explain the rise of the Byzantine Empire and the role of Constantine.

  • Compare and contrast the Byzantine Empire and the Roman Empire.

Unit Vocabulary

  • Augustus Caesar

  • Byzantine Empire

  • Constantine

  • Constantinople

  • Diocletian

  • Eastern Orthodox Church

  • The Eastern Roman Empire

  • The Edict of Milan

  • Great Schism

  • Icon

  • The Iconoclasm

  • Pax Romana

  • Pope

  • Roman Catholic Church

  • The Roman Empire

  • Western Roman Empire

Activity 1: Roman and Byzantine Empire Pre-Test

Using your prior knowledge, brainstorm, list, and/or draw what you know about the Roman and Byzantine empires in a thinking map. Complete this assignment on the Thinking Maps Learning Community or on paper. You may include:

  • Information you know or kind of know about the Roman and Byzantine Empires.

  • Guesses about the Roman and Byzantine Empires.

  • Questions you have about the Roman and Byzantine Empires.

  • Information you would like to know about the Roman and Byzantine Empires.

  • What comes to mind when you think of the Roman and Byzantine Empires.