Unit Introduction:

U.S. Foreign Policy in the Early Republic

Unit Highlights

In this unit, students will analyze primary and secondary sources to explain U.S. foreign policy in the early Republic. Students will be able to:

  • Explain the causes, main events, and effects of the War of 1812

  • Sequence the expanding the boundaries of the U.S.

  • Classify America's relationship with Mexico, Europe, and Canada during westward expansion and explain the influence of the Monroe Doctrine.

  • Describe America's Relationship with American Indian Nations

Unit Vocabulary

  • Andrew Jackson

  • Blockade

  • Impressment

  • James Monroe

  • Tecumseh

  • The Battle of New Orleans

  • The Battle of the Thames

  • The Gadsden Purchase

  • The Mexican-American War

  • The Monroe Doctrine

  • The Star-Spangled Banner

  • The Texas Revolution

  • The Treaty of Ghent

  • The War of 1812

Activity 1: U.S Foreign Policy Pre-Test

Using your prior knowledge, brainstorm, list, and/or draw what you know about U.S. Foreign Policy in a thinking map. Complete this assignment on the Thinking Maps Learning Community or on paper. You may include:

  • Information you know or kind of know about U.S. foreign policy.

  • Guesses about U.S. foreign policy.

  • Questions you have about U.S. foreign policy.

  • Information you would like to know about U.S. foreign policy.

  • What comes to mind when you think of U.S. foreign policy.