Powers 0f the Government

Essential Questions

What is the name of the executive branch of government? What are its powers?

What is the name of the legislative branch of government? What are its powers?

What is the name of the judicial branch of government? What are its powers?

Branches of the Government

Activity 1: What are the powers and denied powers of the Legeslative, Executive, and Judicial Branch?

Read the excerpts of the U.S. Constitution to find the powers of each branch of government. You may use the Newsela article "Primary Sources: The Constitution of the United States of America" The powers of the Legeslative Branch can be found in Article 1 Section 7-9. The powers of the Executive Branch can be found in Article 2 Section 2-3. The powers of the Judicial Branch can be found in Article 3 Section 2. Using the information, answer the question in a thinking map. Complete this assignment digitally or on paper. It will be collected in your portfolio.

Elastic Clause

"The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."

-Article 1 Section 8

What does this mean? Really, two things: first, don't think that the powers listed here are the government's only powers. Second, Congress can make any law it needs to, in order to carry out its enumerated powers. This 'necessary and proper' clause, then, allows the government to stretch beyond its literal description; that's why the clause is often nicknamed the elastic clause since its flexibility allows the government to change and grow over time. It seems like it gave the government the authority to go beyond what the founding fathers envisioned.

Discussion Questions

    • What are the legislative branch's powers?

    • What are the executive branch's powers?

    • What are the judicial branch's powers?

    • Which branch of government has the most amount of power? Why might the founding fathers have wanted that?

    • What is the elastic clause and why is it important?

Extension Activities