
Essential Question

What are the basic features of the Inca civilization?


Activity 1: NEWSELA "The Inca Civilization: its Rise to Greatness and its Downfall"

Sign in to Newsela and read the article "The Inca Civilization: its Rise to Greatness and its Downfall." Remember to annotate the article as you read and complete the quiz once you have finished reading.

Activity 2: Ince Deep Dive

Below are three readings options. As a team split up the options so that all the options are completed independently.

Option A

Option B

Option C

    1. Read the NEWSELA article "Machu Picchu, Ancient City of Peru" and annotate the article using the highlight and note features.

    2. Take the NEWSELA quiz on the article.

    3. Make a Bubble map using the Thinking Map Builder Online to describe Machu Picchu and upload it onto to Google Classroom under "Inca Deep Dive." *Remember to only write describing words or adjectives in the bubbles and explain what evidence in the text proves that describing word is accurate.* *Remember to add the Frame of Reference*

Discussion Questions

  • What article did your group member read?

  • What is the main idea of the article your group member read?

  • What information can your group use for this project? Which of the GRAPES does it talk about?

  • What are 15 useful facts you think you should mention in your website(GRAPES)? Write them down.

Activity 3: G.R.A.P.E.S. Form

As a group fill in the following Google Doc so you have notes you can use when writing your website. Bullet points are encouraged. The more detailed you are the easier writing your website will be later on. I recommend sharing it with all your group mates so you can all access it if someone is absent. When you are done upload it to Google Classroom under "G.R.A.P.E.S. of the Inca Civilization."

G.R.A.P.E.S. Form

Extension Activities

NEWSELA: Why the Incas Offered up Child Sacrifices

NEWSELA: The Inca were not only amazing builders but also used astronomy

NEWSELA: Unraveling khipu, the Inca knot language

NEWSELA: This college student decoded the data hidden in Inca knots