The Intellectual Achievements of India

Essential Question

What were the Indian achievements?

The Intellectual Achievements of India

The Indians of the Maurya and Gupta periods created great works of art, many of them religious. Many of their paintings and sculptures illustrated either Hindu and Buddhist teachings. Magnificent temples-both Hindu and Buddhist-were built all around India. They remain some of the most beautiful buildings in the world today. Many works of Sanskrit literature were also created and are translated into languages all over the world. In addition, Indian achievements were not limited to art, architecture, and literature. Indian scholars also made important advances in metalworking, math, and the sciences.

Learning these discoveries allows us to better appreciate the importance of the Indian people anf culture to our ways of living in the United States.

Activity 1: The Intellectual Achievements of India.

Read the following stations and answer the questions in a thinking map. Complete this assignment digitally or on paper. It will be collected in your portfolio.

Indian Achievements Outline.pdf
Indian Achievements.docx

Discussion Questions

  • What impact did the discovery of medicine have on the world?

  • What impact did the discovery of metallurgy have on the world?

  • What impact did the discovery of mathematics have on the world?

  • How would you describe Indian temple architecture to someone who has never seen it before?

  • How would you describe Indian painting and sculpture to someone who has never seen it before?

  • What is the importance of Sanskrit literature?

Activity 2: Evaluation

List Sanskrit literature, temple architecture, Indian painting, Indian sculpture, medicine, mathematics, and metallurgy from most important discovery to least important discovery. Then write 2 or more paragraphs explaining your ranking. You must use evidence to support your claim.

Extension Activities