Scriptural Roots of the Mass


I can analyze and explain how the Mass is rooted in Scripture.

Scriptural Roots of the Mass

“When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God Himself speaks to His people, and Christ, present in His Word, proclaims the Gospel.”

General Instruction of the Roman Missal NO. 29 

The General Instruction of the Roman Missal is the official document of the Catholic Church regulating liturgical norms, including the words and actions of the minister and the faithful during Mass. 

Discussion Questions

The Mass has two major parts: the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. It is in the Liturgy of the Word that we primarily hear the Scriptures proclaimed to us. We also hear parts of Scripture throughout the other prayers of the Mass and in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. In fact, most of the prayers of the Mass find their roots in Scripture. The Mass is indeed very biblical!

Activity 1: Scriptural Roots of the Mass

Look up each Scripture passage and determine which prayer of the Mass is found in each passage. Then write the correct prayer on the line after the Scripture reference.

Scriptural Roots of the Mass.pdf

Activity 2: Biblical Foundation of the Mass Writing

Write a five to seven sentence paragraph about any conclusions you drew about the biblical foundation of the Mass.