

I can explain and reflect on the season of Advent


Activity 1: Waiting

Complete the reflection activity on waiting. You may write about or draw a picture of a time when you had to wait for something good.



This Sunday marks the first Sunday of Advent and the beginning of the first week of the Advent season. Advent is a liturgical season in the life of the Church. We celebrate Advent in the four weeks that lead up to Christmas Day. Advent is a time for waiting and for preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ, not only as a baby at Christmas, but also at the end of time in His promised Second Coming.

Activity 2: Advent: The Coming of Our Savior

Read the background essay about Advent and answer the focus questions. Underline where the answers are stated in the text. 


Discussion Questions

Activity 3: Advent Poem

Using the information from today's class create an acrostic poem using the letters of the word Advent. Each line of the poem should describe some aspect of Advent or Christmas.
