Palm Sunday
I can reflect on Christ Passion
Palm Sunday
The Gospel for Palm Sunday contains the entire Passion narrative. When we hear it proclaimed, we are meant to journey with Christ as He takes up His Cross and gives His life for us. In this lesson, you will meditate on Jesus’ Passion through the words of the Gospel and sacred art.
Activity 1: Christ’s Passion in Sacred Art
Read aloud the full Gospel reading (Matthew 26:14—27:66) together as a class. Reflect on the images of Christ’s Passion from the PowerPoint as you read through the account of the Passion. *Note next to each image is a line from the Gospel reading that indicates when to move on to the next image.*
Activity 2: Christ’s Passion in Sacred Art Reflection
When finished, choose one of the images that stood out to you and write a brief paragraph about what God might be speaking to you through it.