Christian Community
I can reflect on aspects of a Christian community
Warm Up
“I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13:34-35
Discussion Questions
What do you think Jesus was thinking of when He said this?
Why would it be important for the outside world to see Jesus’ disciples loving one another?
Imagine that you are one of Jesus’ disciples present when He says this. What do you feel or think when you hear Him say this?
Why is the commandment to “love one another” so counter-cultural today?
Activity 2: Group Activity
Each group will need to choose one member to be the writer for this activity, but all members of the group must contribute to the activity. You will have five minutes. Starting when I say “Go,” turn over their paper and start writing. STOP and put down your pencils when the time is up.

Discussion Questions
What was it like to work in a group?
Was there anything that you noticed about your group? Did anyone find that certain people took leadership or support roles?
What do you think this activity would have been like if you had done it on your own? Would you have been able to come up with as many examples?
What did this group activity teach you about being part of a society?
Activity 3: Christian Community Writing
Think about today’s lesson. Then answer the following questions in a three- to five-sentence paragraph:
Why is it important for a Christian community to be and look different from other communities?
What do you think the ideal Christian community should look like?