The Family in God’s Plan
Learning Goals
Learning Goals
The family is a communion of persons, a sign and image of the Holy Trinity.
The family is the original cell of society, where we learn moral values and the proper use of our freedom.
Society has a particular responsibility to protect and foster family life.
In the family home, we should learn tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity, and service.
Parents have a responsibility not just to provide for their children’s physical needs, but also to educate them.
Respect for parents derives from gratitude and humble obedience.
Biblical Touchstones
Biblical Touchstones
With your whole heart honor your father; your mother’s birthpangs forget not. Remember, of these parents you were born; what can you give them for all they gave you?
With your whole heart honor your father; your mother’s birthpangs forget not. Remember, of these parents you were born; what can you give them for all they gave you?
SIRACH 7:27-28
SIRACH 7:27-28
In any case, each one of you should love his wife as himself, and the wife should respect her husband.
In any case, each one of you should love his wife as himself, and the wife should respect her husband.